Social Prescription

Social Prescribing – Community Link Officer – Arfon

This post is part of a wider Social Prescription agenda. It supports the Health Board’s vision of improving the health and wellbeing of the population and the development of an integrated health service which provides excellent health care in partnership with other public agencies including the Third Sector. It also supports the Welsh Government’s direction set out in the Health and Wellbeing Act (Wales) 2014.

The main aim of the Community Link Officer post is to support individuals to recognise their own needs, and then, where appropriate, signpost to third sector organisations who provide community and other activities. The aim is not to create a culture of dependency but facilitate individuals to engage in activities with the aim of improving their wellbeing. “It is about holding an individual’s hand in the beginning and then letting go when appropriate to do so”.

The aim is to work closely with GPs, health professionals and other third sector organisations.

Social prescribing enables Primary Care Services and other clinical staff to refer patients with social, emotional or practical needs.
The community link officer will receive referrals electronically, via a phone call or e-mail. Cards will be given to individuals who are confident to self-refer into the scheme.

When a referral is received-

  • Arrangement will be made to meet the individual to discuss and explore their needs.
  • Identify local organisations, projects and activities in the area which can support and best meet their needs.
  • Contact will then be made with the appropriate activity, organisations or resources, by phoning or referring.
  • An offering of a helping hand is given to encourage the individual to take the first steps forward supporting the Individual to address their social needs. (e.g. - to attend first meeting with support, introduce to new organisations, telephone or face to face sessions.)
  • feedback/reviews will be conducted on a continuous basis to measure the effectiveness of the project.

Local activities offered include:

  • Health and wellbeing programmes- (e.g. walking groups, advocacy, exercise)
  • Work and volunteering advice (e.g. local employments support projects)
  • Learning and social opportunities (art classes gardening groups, social groups.)
  • Practical support - (e.g. debts, benefits, housing and money management advice, help with form, cost of living)
  • Support groups - (e.g.patient, parent and carer groups, befriending, carers, health conditions)

The aim is to:

  • Empower individuals to re-connect with their local communities
  • Build confidence and resilience.
  • Improve health and wellbeing
  • Better quality of life.
  • Reduce medical appointments and the prescribing of medication.
  • Reduce isolation
  • Engaging people to take control of their own life.

The project evaluation process - will be conducted by using the SROI model (Social return on investment) this model emphasis on demonstrating the true social and personal value and impact of the project on people’s lives.

If you need further information:

Contact details
Rhian Griffiths Community Link officer for the Social Prescription project
Mantell Gwynedd, 25 Bridge Street, Caernarfon Gwynedd, LL551AB.

Telephone - 01286 672626.
E-mail -

Click here for Self referral