Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Public Services Board


The following terms of reference describe the purpose and function of the Board including its local responsibilities, membership and administration.

The Anglesey Public Service Board and the Gwynedd Public Service Board are statutory boards established by the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.

There has been agreement for the Anglesey and Gwynedd Public Service Boards to collaborate according to the principles of collaboration outlined in Appendix A.


1.1 The purpose of the Board is to work collaboratively across organisational boundaries to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Anglesey and Gwynedd.

1.2 In pursuing this purpose the Board will contribute to the achievement of the national well-being goals as specified within the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act:

  • A more prosperous Wales
  • A resilient Wales
  • A healthier Wales
  • A more equal Wales
  • A Wales of cohesive communities
  • A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language
  • A globally responsible Wales

1.3 Sustainable development is the overriding principle of the Board’s activities. This means acting in a manner which seeks to ensure that the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

1.4 The Board will work in ways that take into account of the long term, the need for prevention, integration, collaboration and the involvement of citizens.

1.5 The Board will also work together to strengthen local public service leadership to tackle ‘fundamental and unmet’ challenges from a citizen perspective and ensure an effective whole-system response to the needs of citizens

1.6 The members of the Board will develop effective relationships based on respect, integrity, mutual responsibility, trust and openness which unblock and overcome organisational barriers

1.7 The main administrative language of the Public Services Board, both verbally and
written, will be Welsh. All members will prepare reports bilingually.

2.1 The Board has four main tasks:

  • To prepare and publish an assessment of the state of economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being in Anglesey and Gwynedd;
  • To prepare and publish a Local Well-being Plan for Anglesey and Gwynedd setting out local objectives and the steps it proposes to take to meet them;
  • To take all reasonable steps to meet the local objectives they have set;
  • To prepare and publish an annual report that sets out the Board’s progress in meeting the local objectives.

2.2 A copy of the well-being assessment, the well-being plan and each annual report will be sent to the Welsh Ministers, the Commissioner, the Auditor General for Wales and the council’s overview and scrutiny committee.

Statutory Members

3.1 The four statutory members of the Board are:

  • Local Authorities (Leader and Chief Executive)
  • Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (Chair and/or Chief Executive)
  • North Wales Fire and Rescue Service (Chair and/or Chief Officer)
  • Natural Resources Wales (Chief Executive)

3.2 Individuals may be designated to represent any of the named persons above.

The Council Leader may only designate another member of the Council’s Cabinet to represent them.

3.3 Any designated representatives should have the authority to make decisions on behalf of their organisation.

Invited Participants

3.4 The following statutory invitees are invited to participate in the Board’s activity:

  • The Welsh Ministers
  • North Wales Police representative
  • Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner North Wales
  • Representative of the National Probation Service
  • Third Sector

3.5 To the extent to which the law allows us, Board members will be equal members of the Board. We will treat all members of the Board as an equal member.

Other partners

3.6 The Board will engage with key partners in the area who exercise functions of
a public nature and who; have a material interest in the well-being of the area; deliver important public services; and are involved in the in the preparation, implementation and delivery of the work of the board.

3.7 The Board can consider what other bodies, if any, it wishes to participate in its work and to what extent. The only condition is that they must exercise functions of a public nature. Membership should be reviewed regularly to ensure that priorities identified by the wellbeing objectives are supported and resourced for delivery.

Public Services Board

4.1 The Board will hold a “mandatory meeting” chaired by the Local Authority, no later than 60 days after each subsequent ordinary election of councillors. The Board should meet as separate Boards post elections and re-agree on collaborating / merging as appropriate.

4.2 Members will appoint a chair and vice chair at the mandatory meeting from the statutory members or the invited participants.

4.3 Board meetings will take place quarterly with dates set at the beginning of each financial year.

4.4 Additional meetings may be called as agreed by the Board.


4.5 The Board is able to establish sub-groups to support it in undertaking its functions and the board can authorise sub-groups to exercise a limited number of functions. The sub-groups must report regularly to the Board.

4.6 Each sub-group of a public services board must include at least one member or deputy of the board, who will chair the sub-group, and can include any invited participant or other partner.

4.7 Sub-groups cannot:

  • invite persons to participate in the board’s activity;
  • set, review or revise the board’s local objectives;
  • prepare or publish an assessment of well-being;
  • consult on an assessment of well-being or to prepare a draft of an assessment for the purposes of consulting;
  • prepare or publish a local well-being plan;
  • consult on a local well-being plan or to prepare a draft of a local well-being plan for the purposes of consulting;
  • review or amend a local well-being plan or to publish an amended local wellbeing plan;
  • consult on an amendment to a local well-being plan;
  • agree that the board merges or collaborates with another public services board.

4.8 The aims of each sub-group will be determined by the Board when the sub-group is established.

4.9 Each sub-group will prepare terms of reference and the Chair of the sub-group will submit them to the Board for approval.

5.1 Board decisions, for example the agreement of the assessment of local well-being and the local well-being plan, are only valid when made jointly and unanimously by all members and with all members in attendance.

5.2 In the event of a disagreement between members it is the responsibility of the Chair to mediate an agreement and to ensure that this is presented to the next available meeting of the Board or to a special meeting if required

5.3 If there is no unanimous agreement of all members in accordance with 5.1 above
and if the Chairman cannot mediate in accordance with 5.2 then the decision will be
limited to the statutory members only.

6.1 Management and Administrative support for the Board will be provided by Anglesey County Council and Gwynedd Council equally. This includes:

  • Ensuring the Public Services Board is established and meets regularly
  • Preparing the agenda and commissioning papers for meetings
  • Inviting participants and managing attendance
  • Co-ordinating the preparation of the annual report
  • Preparation of evidence for scrutiny

6.2 The resourcing of the functions of the Board is the responsibility of all statutory
members equally. Contributions will be reviewed and agreed by the Board as required.

7.1 The Board’s will engage in a purposeful relationship with the people and communities in the area, including children and young people, Welsh-speakers and those with protected characteristics, in all aspects of its work.

7.2 The Board will:

  • Open meetings to members of the public at appropriate times to observe and to ask questions about any substantive agenda item.
  • Invite interested parties to make presentations to the Board on any items that are being considered. The Board will take care, however, to ensure the propriety and impartiality of the board’s processes and be alive to the risks of any perception arising that a particular group is being afforded excessive access to, or influence over a board’s deliberations.
  • The Board will take additional steps outside of meetings to ensure that the public voice is heard and helps to shape both the well-being assessment and well-being plan. This is expected to include consultation exercises and opportunities for people to raise and debate ideas through online and offline engagement arrangements.
  • The Board will be mindful that PSB is subject to scrutiny through the Council’s Scrutiny Committee(s) and this process provides a further route for public engagement.


8.1 The Board will be subject to scrutiny by the designated local government scrutiny committee of the local authorities. A joint scrutiny panel will be developed to undertake this work across Anglesey and Gwynedd.


9.1.1 While the Board must review these terms of reference at the mandatory meeting, the Board may review, and agree to amend it at any time as long as all statutory members agree.


Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Public Services Board

Principles for Collaboration

The statutory guidance notes the following:

A board collaborates if it –

(a) Co-operates with another board
(b) Facilitates the activities of another board
(c) Co-ordinates its activities with another board
(d) Exercise another board’s function on its behalf, or
(e) Provides staff, goods, services or accommodation to another board.

It is proposed that the collaboration between the Anglesey Public Services Board and the Gwynedd Public Services Board should be as follows:

1. The Boards will agree to collaborate as a part of one Board. The mandatory meeting will be separate meeting.

2. The Board will elect a Chair that is eligible to Chair both the Boards independently and therefore can Chair the joint meetings.

3. A Well-being Assessment will be published separately for the Anglesey local authority area and the Gwynedd local authority area. Both assessments will follow the same order as each other.

4. A Well-being Plan will be published separately for the Anglesey local authority area and the Gwynedd local authority area. Both plans will follow the same order as each other.

5. An Annual Progress Report will be published separately for the Anglesey local authority area and the Gwynedd local authority area. Both reports will follow the same order as each other.

6. The planning and preparation of the assessments, plans and annual reports will be led by the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Public Service Board.

7. The objectives set out in the plans, will be objectives that promote the well-being of the communities within Anglesey and Gwynedd and have to be agreed unanimously by the statutory partners of the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Public Services Board. The Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Public Services Board will place emphasis and priorities issues that are of common concern in both counties and will address these issues in collaboration across the two counties.

8. The assessments, plans and annual reports will be approved by the individual Boards but these meetings will be arranged on the same date and following each other in time. Representative who sit only on one Board will attend both meetings, but as observers only during the meeting of the Board that they are not members of it.

9. The funding for the management and administration support for the Boards will be shared equally between Anglesey County Council and Gwynedd County Council as is required by the Act.

10. The required resource for the implementation of the agreed objectives will be agreed by all the statutory partners once the objectives have been set.

See Gwynedd and Ynys Môn Well-being Assessment:-



Agendas and minutes of previous Board meetings.

Board Meetings