Youth Justice Services

Organization: Gwynedd Môn Youth Justice Services


The volunteer will be asked to be part of Community Panel Meetings as part of the Bureau (prevention) and Referral Order (post Court) Process. The Bureau is an initiative to tackle low level offending, which enables Young people to make amends for their actions without Police intervention. The Panel Meetings are normally held in Police Stations across Gwynedd and Anglesey, and they are made up of a Chairperson, the YJS Police Officer and a Community Volunteer. The Referral Order is a Court Order which is given to a young person who pleads guilt to their first offence. The young person will then be required to attend a Community Panel Meeting (these are normally held in leisure centres, business offices and village halls), where 2 Community Volunteers and a YJS staff member will create a Contract of work for the young person to work through for the duration of their Order. The Panel will then meet up with every 3 months to see whether the young person has addressedher offending behaviour.

Location: Gwynedd

Age: 14+

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Type of Opportunity:

  • Youth Justice
  • Community

Volunteering Days:

  • The panel meets every 3 months

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