Recognition for Volunteers

Did you know you can receive recognition for the volunteering you do?

Did you know that if you’ve registered on Volunteering Wales and have joined an opportunity of course, you can record your volunteering hours on your profile page?

The website gives you digital volunteering hour badges for 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 hours that you’ve achieved.

We also provide a volunteering hours certificate scheme which is available for volunteers registered on Volunteering Wales or not.

Click on the tab below for more information about the Gwynedd Volunteer Scheme.


Gwynedd Volunteer Scheme logoWhat is the Gwynedd Volunteer Scheme?

The aim of the programme is to recognise the effort and time spent by volunteers who give their time to he lp support th eir local community.

Who can be part of the scheme?

Anyone of any age who volunteers for a 'not for profit' organisation in Gwynedd.

What certificates are avai lable?

Volunteers are eligible to rece ive certificates for 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 hours of volunteering.

How do I co about it?

Simply complete the regist ration form and return it to us. If you' re already volunteerinc, you can backdate up to 3 months or up to 50 hours - please remember to incl ude these hours on your volunteering record sheet. If you haven't yet found a suitable volunteering placement, get in touch and we can help you fi nd a volunteering placement . You then just need to record your hours and ask the organisation fo r a signatu re. Once you have completed 50, 100, 200 , 500 or 1,000 hours return the form to us by email or post.

How will I receive my certifieate(s)?

Your ce rtificate(s) will be printed once we rece ive your volunteering hou rs record sheet confirming that you have completed either 50, 100, 200, 500 or 1,000 hours. We can then present your certificate to you at one of our recognition events he ld throughout the year, or if you can collect, or we can post your certificate (s) to you.

Click here for the information pack